Dissemination | STEP4WIND


Day of Sustainability in the Netherlands

Workshop for school children on offshore wind energy

STEP4WIND Autumn school

For the first time since the start of the project, all our ESRs met in person at the Autumn School organised by Politecnico di Milano.

Participation in an International Autumn School

ESR 3 Deepali Singh, and ESR 10 Omar Ibrahim had the opportunity to participate in-person for the first time in the International Autumn School hosted at TU Bergakademie Freiberg in Germany.

Outreach event building floating wind turbines at the beach

Outreach event at Scheveningen beach

Support of the OffshoreWind4Kids initiative

Some of our staff and PhDs attended the event in Scheveningen on 19 Septemnber 2021 and helped kids and families build small-scale offshore and floating wind turbines. More information about the initiative [here](https://www.offshorewind4kids.com).

Project featured in a special report

Special report in the Innovation Platform magazine

Project Coordinator interviewed for the Dutch magazine KIJK

Challenges of floating offshore wind turbines

Omar Ibrahim featured as MSCA Fellow of the Week

Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions feature

Project Coordinator interviewed by New Energy for Europe

Floating offshore wind and green hydrogen.

WESC2021 conference

A number of STEP4WIND principal investigators are leading mini-symposia at the [WESC2021](https://www.wesc2021.org/en/programme/theme-9-floating-wind-metocean-and-extreme-conditions/) conference.