A low computational framework for testing closed-loop wind farm controllers

ESR presentation

Aerodynamics of Floating Offshore Wind Turbines Undergoing Large Motions

ESR presentation

Application of robotics for floating wind operations and maintenance (O&M) - A review

ESR presentation

Coupling Green Hydrogen Production and Transportation with Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Farms - A Review

ESR presentation

Feature Selection and Model Reduction for the Design of Floating Offshore Wind Turbines

ESR presentation

Installation and decommissioning of large floating offshore windfarms

ESR presentation

Multi-scale hydrodynamic modelling of floating offshore wind turbines

ESR presentation

Application of robotics for floating wind operations and maintenance (O&M) - A review

ESR presentation

Coupling Green Hydrogen Production and Transportation with FOWT Farms - A Review

ESR presentation

Installation and decommissioning of large floating offshore windfarms

ESR presentation