
Wave tank experiments

Overview: The early-stage researchers and a few principal investigators participated in a workshop organized by MARIN (Maritime Research Institute Netherlands) in Wageningen. The team received training on the topics of design considerations for floating offshore wind, model testing techniques, first- and second-order wave loads, and numerical modelling. The researchers also had the chance to prepare and realize their own experiment in MARIN’s concept basin. Duration: 2 days (30-31 May 2022)

Risk considerations for the commercialisation of floating wind turbines

Overview: ORE Catapult will present its methodology for risk management of FOWTs (including risks into some costs parameters), the associated risk registers, and a methodology for technology assessment process. The ESRs will apply these methods to different FOWT designs. Duration: TBC Lead Beneficiary: ORE Catapult

Design, manufacturing and testing of wind turbine blades

Overview: The goal is to provide a strong practical understanding of the context that underpins wind blade innovation. The PhD candidates will use CFD/FEA software to design their blades and the results will be baselined against actual blades from industry. The event will include a short overview of the processes associated with aerospace manufacturing and testing, and opportunities for cross-learning between sectors will be discussed. Finally, there will be demonstrations of the equipment used to manufacture and test blades.