Recent & Upcoming Talks | STEP4WIND

Recent & Upcoming Talks


The role of ply orientation on the resin flow under compaction in thermoplastic composites

ESR presentation

Nacelle modeling considerations for wind turbines using large-eddy simulations

ESR presentation


High-fidelity simulations of a reference wind turbine at different scales under prescribed floating motion and field conditions

ESR presentation

High-fidelity analysis of a small-scale floating wind turbine under prescribed sway, heave, roll and yaw

ESR presentation

High-fidelity analysis of a small-scale floating wind turbine under prescribed sway, heave, roll and yaw

ESR presentation


The role of melting on intimate contact development in laser-assisted tape placement of carbon fibre reinforced thermoplastic composites

ESR presentation

Surrogate-assisted optimization of floating wind turbine substructure

ESR presentation

Including installation logistics costs in the optimal sizing of semi-submersibles for floating wind farms

ESR presentation

Automated tape placement of carbon fibre reinforced thermoplastics for offshore wind turbine blades

ESR presentation

A frequency-time domain method for annual energy production estimation in floating wind turbines

ESR presentation

Floating offshore wind energy

Presentation of the STEP4WIND project at an international event


Multi-scale hydrodynamic modelling of floating offshore wind turbines

ESR presentation

Installation and decommissioning of large floating offshore windfarms

ESR presentation

Feature Selection and Model Reduction for the Design of Floating Offshore Wind Turbines

ESR presentation

Coupling Green Hydrogen Production and Transportation with Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Farms - A Review

ESR presentation

Application of robotics for floating wind operations and maintenance (O&M) - A review

ESR presentation

Aerodynamics of Floating Offshore Wind Turbines Undergoing Large Motions

ESR presentation

A low computational framework for testing closed-loop wind farm controllers

ESR presentation


Installation and decommissioning of large floating offshore windfarms

ESR presentation

Coupling Green Hydrogen Production and Transportation with FOWT Farms - A Review

ESR presentation

Application of robotics for floating wind operations and maintenance (O&M) - A review

ESR presentation

Bridging the gap between academic research and industrial development of floating offshore wind farms

Presentation of the STEP4WIND project at an international event